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CMN Feature Stories

As a Children's Miracle Network hospital, Phoebe is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art care and preventative education for children 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here are some of their stories.

Meet Maddox

“The nurses are amazing. They truly know your baby, and they get to know you as a parent. Losing Robbie 6 weeks before Maddox was born was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through, and our nurses got to know my story. They would not only laugh with me; they would cry with me,” – Summer, Maddox’s mom

Summer and Robbie had been dating for 15 years when they finally got pregnant with a little boy in November 2020. They were surprised and ecstatic! "I knew since I was a teenager that my purpose was to be somebody’s momma."  Read more...

Meet Emmanuel

I am grateful for every day I get a chance to see him thrive. He is walking, talking, and such a happy boy! He is doing things I was not sure he would be able to do.” – Jasmine, Emmanuel’s mom

Jasmine and Elfondrick Lumpkin were both overjoyed and nervous when they found out they were pregnant again, after a previous miscarriage. Due to that, Jasmine’s doctors kept a close eye on her during this pregnancy and she was ordered to be on bedrest beginning close to 18 weeks. The next nine weeks puttered along and the unthinkable happened: Elfondrick was admitted to Phoebe with blood pressure issues.  Read more...

Meet Rylee Kate

“Rylee Kate wouldn’t have been able to come home to us if it wasn’t for Phoebe’s NICU and their staff.” – Laura, Rylee Kate’s mom

Kevin and Laura Butler were shocked and overwhelmed when Laura, pregnant with twins, had a placenta abruption at home, 26 weeks into her pregnancy. After rushing to their local hospital in Thomasville, Laura was immediately taken for a c-section because her son’s (Jace) heart rate was declining. On February 12, 2021, Jace was born weighing 2 lbs. 2 ounces and Rylee Kate was born weighing 1 lb. 12 ounces.  Read more...

Meet Haley & Callen

“Only seeing your newborn babies every other day is extremely hard, but we had comfort because the NICU staff was amazing. The doctors, nurses, therapists – everyone. I feel like they take each baby and treat them like their own because they know we can’t be there. They became our family.” – Carrie, Haley and Callen’s mom

Carrie and Chris Blankenbaker were shocked to find out they were pregnant with twins. When going through in vitro fertilization to get pregnant, they were told that the possibility was less than 2%. After the initial shock, Carrie, Chris, and big sister Presley were excited to welcome 2 new babies into their family.At 24 weeks, Carrie was rushed to her local hospital in Valdosta when she felt like she was going into labor.  Read more...

Meet Logan

“The NICU nurses, doctors, and staff members mean more to us than we can express. We depended on them to care for our son in his most fragile condition as a small preemie." – Dawn, Logan’s mom

Dawn and Justin Barclay were ecstatic to find out they were pregnant with their second child in 2019. Dawn was considered high risk, so they began seeing Dr. Edwards, Phoebe’s Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist. At 18 weeks during their routine ultrasound, Dr. Edwards found several alarming things affecting baby Barclay, including part of the brain not being fully developed, fluid around the kidneys, short arms and legs, and problems with the umbilical cord...  Read more...

Meet Chandler

“I am so thankful for all Children’s Miracle Network partner and donors, because your support provided me with a miracle, my Chandler.” - Tammy, Chandler’s mom

Tammy Boyd and Chauncey Shaw were scheduled for a routine prenatal visit with their obstetrician in Valdosta, GA, having no clue their appointment would entail a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. Within 3 days Tammy and Chauncey were sitting in the maternal fetal specialist office waiting to be admitted to Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital for strict bed rest and preparation for delivery...  Read more...

Meet Kash

"I hope Kash’s story helps to inspire other preemie parents to know that although the road is tough our babies are fighters and with a great team like the NICU at Phoebe, anything is possible."  - Ashley, Kash’s mom

On August 5th, 2014, Ashley went in for a visit to labor and delivery for sharp pains, having no idea it would turn into an indefinite stay in the hospital until her baby’s arrival. Ashley was already 2 centimeters dilated and the doctors wanted to take all necessary precautions for a healthy delivery...  Read more...

Meet Gavin

"The NICU staff included us in Gavin’s care and provided so much comfort to us on hard days. We truly felt like we were a part of the process and that the staff took our opinion to heart.”

Tiffany and James Stroup’s daughter was nine years old when the family found out Tiffany was pregnant with a little boy. During her pregnancy, Tiffany’s amniotic fluid got high and she started to get monitored weekly and was sent to see Dr. Edwards, Phoebe’s maternal fetal medicine specialist...  Read more...

Meet Yakimbria

"Living with sickle cell disease can be incredibly difficult, painful, and scary, but Yakimbria stays positive and lives life to the fullest!”

When Yakimbria was born on January 27, 2002, she was diagnosed with sickle cell disease. Yakimbria was born at Phoebe and spent a week in Phoebe’s NICU because she was born with a high fever that needed to stabilize before she could go home...  Read more...

Meet Hannah

"Hannah had no clue painting in this new way would change her perspective on life and allow her to help others.”

Hannah Croker was just fourteen years old when she was in a tragic car accident that left her paralyzed. Hannah’s world changed in an instant, as she woke up without the ability to walk, play sports, text and hang out with her friends, and hundreds of other everyday tasks we all take for granted...  Read more...

Meet the Moore Family

"We are forever grateful for Phoebe Putney and the NICU staff that took up the fight alongside us and our tiny little warriors.”

Kristen and Jeremy had two beautiful little girls when they found out they were pregnant again. They had been pregnant a third time, which ended in an unexpected miscarriage that devastated their family. They were thrilled when they discovered they would have another baby...  Read more...

Meet Malynn

"Each one of the NICU staff members became like a second family to us and they will always hold a special place in our hearts!”

Dayna and Trey Faircloth were living in Bainbridge and expecting their first child when Dayna started having contractions at just 24 weeks into her pregnancy. Dayna and Trey rushed to the Emergency Room and were transferred to Phoebe. The doctor was able to keep Dayna from delivering for eight days...  Read more...

Meet Madeleine

"Miracles really DO happen- I get to hug one every day!”

Jennifer and Brent were shocked when they found out they were pregnant with identical twin girls. Madeleine and Elizabeth Rigsby were born five and a half weeks early on June 19, 2002. While everything seemed normal at birth, Madeleine’s pediatrician discovered a heart murmur the next day. The doctor ordered some routine tests, and Jennifer and Brent were assured that all should be okay...  Read more...

Meet Johnathan

A typical morning became a nightmare when Kamala Sizemore found her son Johnathan floating in their backyard pool.

Johnathan, 3 years old, was playing outside with his mother Kamala. Kamala walked to the edge of the driveway to take the trash out, and when she got to the backyard, she didn’t see Johnathan anywhere. Kamala saw their dog at the wood line at the back of their yard and figured Johnathan had wandered into the woods...  Read more...

Meet Amelia & Caroline

“It was so comforting to know that they were taking the best care of the girls and loving them when I was unable to do so.”

Kimberly had been on bed rest for 7 weeks, pregnant with twin girls, when she caught a stomach bug that sent her into labor. Kimberly and Ryan rushed to the hospital and the doctors did everything possible to keep the twins from coming.  Around 8:30 p.m., the doctors realized they needed to deliver the twins...  Read more...

Meet Cameron & Carson

Moms never imagine their newborn being sent to the NICU, but April is so thankful that her two boys were in the care of the medical team at Phoebe when they needed it most.

April was just 32 weeks pregnant when she went into labor with her first child. April was told that she might not be able to get pregnant, and if she did, there would likely be complications. After nearly 4 days at the hospital in labor, Cameron DeVonte Hughley was born May 8, 2007 weighing 4 pounds, 4 ounces.  Read more...

Meet Mitchell

“This boy is truly a little miracle!”

Mitchell Ryan Bland was born at 34 weeks and 6 days. When he was born his lungs were not yet fully developed and he was having trouble breathing. Mitchell was transferred to the NICU, and his mother, Anna, was separated from him for a day because of her health and high blood pressure. When Anna walked into the NICU to see Mitchell, he was hooked up to many machines and had a feeding tube.  Read more...

Meet Hannah

“I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up, so I can help kids, just like my doctors helped me when I was born!”

After having a miscarriage 3 years prior, LaPorshe was both excited and nervous when she found out she was pregnant in 2007. When she was 24 weeks pregnant, she went to her doctor because she was not feeling well, and she was told to stay off her feet for a few weeks.  Read more...

For more information, call Phoebe Foundation at 229-312-4483 or toll-free at 877-312-4483. You can also email Phoebe Foundation at